Video "Our Greatest Fear ♥ Warm Embrace"

Cocoon to Butterfly: A butterfly or a moth enters into the point of their life when they must wrap themselves into a cocoon, also known as a chrysalis. They must undergo a life altering change known as metamorphosis which prepares them for their final stage; that being "the Butterfly". During the time in their cocoon, they are in a type of hibernation that will last for anywhere from a few days to several months. But although they may appear asleep, their body is actually undergoing Progressive Change. At a certain stage or even stages in our lives, we too must make a transformational change from a crawling caterpillar to a graceful winged butterfly. This can only be accomplished through a complete and mindful rest for our own Rejuvenation.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"My Message for Hope and Comfort in the Holidays"

May the New Year Bring Peace and Hope to Each and Every One of You, My Friends:

The Holidays are not readily viewed as Happy Times for those who Suffer from Chronic Illness or Pain; whether it be Mental or Physical.  But I would like to Offer My Poem of Hope in the Future for You, My Dear Friends.  I Offer You these Words of Hope.  When Feeling Down, You Must Look Up. When Feeling Pain, Reach Out for Healing Comfort. When Feeling Alone, Know that there are Those Who Care.  I am One Who Cares.  I know the Maker Cares for His Children.  The Pain in the World is Brought on by Darkness and Continues with Darkness.  But there is the Originator of the Light that Will Shine His Light Out into all Corners of the World, Rebuking the Darkness.  Reach Out Towards the Power of the Light.  Grasp On to It and Hold It Dear to Your Heart.  Know that You are Not Alone... I know this is not Easy to Do, but it Can be Done, and Know that it is True.

So it is Here that I am Wishing You the Very Best in the New Year. May it be Yours as One of Hope and Fulfillment of Your Longing and Dreams.  If You are still in a Victim Role, Throw Off that Cloak that Covers and Burdens You.  Do Not Claim Your Pain or Illness as Your Own.  Renounce those Who have Caused you Suffering and Pain.  Do not Bathe in the Darkness, but Step Out into the Light.  Take Hold of the Friendly Hands Reaching Out towards You.  You are A Survivor.  Whatever Has Happened to You, is Not You Unless You Allow it to Govern You.  You are Each Unique in Body and Spirit, and are Worthy of Life and Renewal in Spirit...  You Must Believe in the Power of You!

In Love and Spirit,
♥ ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨❤Love❤¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨♥ ¨°º Prayers and Blessings °º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨♥ ¨°º

"Christmas Rainbow Love"

A Bell is Ringing,
Celestial Singing
Is Bringing the People Together.

Cultural Blends,
The Universe Sends
Her Love.

Night is Day
So Far Away,
The Universe Knows No Bounds.

Her Bell She Sounds,
Reviving Love All Around
In Bringing the People Together.

Doves on the Wind,
The Universe Sends
Her Love.

Prayers Resound
And Friendship Abounds,
As the Universe Brings Us Together.

Cheryl E Gordon

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Child Abuse Monument Project

The Child Abuse Monument Project - Press Releases Vandals, Rebuilding & Petition

"At the Vietnam Memorial Wall in 1990, Dr. Irving experienced an epiphany about how that work of art helped America to heal from wounds that shared traits common to child abuse, including post-traumatic stress disorder, vicarious trauma, distancing and denial. As a result, Dr. Irving, himself a survivor, conceived of a memorial Monument to survivors of child abuse."

Sadly, it has just been discovered as vandalized while in storage.  "The damage was discovered in a heart-rending moment during a national television interview about the Monument. Despite this latest of many setbacks, The Monument’s creator and supporters are hopeful that it will survive and be placed in a public location."

(for full story as a Press Release, and to discover what you may do to help, Please click on link above) "Dr. Irving assures that he will not let the world’s first monument to child abuse be cast aside like so many survivors and victims of child abuse. He estimates that it will cost up to $100,000 to rebuild the broken art and molds, and he is seeking funds and the donation of a secure studio space. These donations are necessary to breathe life back into what has been described as a modern-day masterpiece. The Province of Ontario has also been asked to accept the finished Child Abuse Monument as a donation in order to heal and validate survivors and promote child abuse prevention. Dr. Irving asks the public to help by signing a petition to the Premier at" 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Smile at a Stranger"

Smile at a Stranger Today...
And Should They Smile Back... That is OK...
And Should They Talk... Don't Run Away...
Smile... ♥☺♥

Cheryl E Gordon

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Helen Keller Quotes on Overcoming Adversity & Maintaining Positivity in the Face of Adversity:

All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.
Helen Keller

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Helen Keller

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
Helen Keller

Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged.
Helen Keller

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
Helen Keller

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
Helen Keller

Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.
Helen Keller

No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.
Helen Keller

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Helen Keller

We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.
Helen Keller

When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
Helen Keller

Monday, July 19, 2010

Reader Participant Comment Section

This Blue Section is the Reader's Place to Comment on Anything Relative to the Topic of "Abuse Survivors"
Hello Dear Reader! 

This Blog was Created by me  to Offer Helpful Advice regarding Recognition and Recovery from Abuse, Allow Others to Comment on What Works for Them in this process, and Provide to Links to Other Helpful Sites Relative to Survivors of Abuse.
Perhaps you have Found a Healing Method that Has Worked for You that You Would Like to Share with Others.   

I Encourage you to Post any Applicable Suggestions under the Corresponding Posting, or You May Type in any Free Standing Comments for Others to Read and Respond to in the General Comment Section Here. (just click on the comments tab below to pull up the comment box for you to do so)

Please use a Fictitious Name if you wish to remain Anonymous. That may be Easier for You to Comment Freely.  I do Request that Comments are "People Friendly".  I do Believe that Most People Try to be Respectful of Others, and I am Not Here to Judge, but I do Screen each one that is Written before it will show as a Post, and I will Remove any Comments that are intentionally Vulgar or Demeaning to Other Readers.  So I do Ask Everyone to Keep in Mind that The Focus here is on "Healing and Recovery".  It is not a Place for Condemnation or Accusation. There is too much of that type of Negativity Flying About Elsewhere.  A Flower Cannot Grow in Poor Soil.

I do not Profess to Have All the Answers, nor am I anyone's Personal Therapist.  I cannot Guarantee Full Recovery for Anyone Reading or Contributing to this Blog.  However, I do Believe that You Will Find Helpful Information here to Assist You in Moving Forward with your Life in a Positive Way.  Perhaps You have Important Healing Information or Helpful Thoughts you are Willing to Share, and I Hope You Feel Free to do So Here, in the General Comment Section.  That Would be Awesome!

Alpha Butterfly Spirit Comments

♥ ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨❤Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ❤¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨♥ 

Alpha Butterfly Spirit Comments 

♥ ¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨❤Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ❤¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨♥

(Alpha Butterfly Spirit asked me to post her comments for her.  It is too long for the comment section and I believe it is most helpful to post here in it's entirety)  I am also proud to announce that shortly after her healing journey was posted, she was offered an Inspiration Award which I included below her post.  To find out more about the award you can click on the "Inspiration icon" with your cursor.  Congratulations to You, Alpha Butterfly Spirit in receiving this Award!

"My Past, Present and Future"

I never realized how strong and protective one's mind could be for survival and self preservation.  It has taken me many years to understand that my unusual behavior as an adult was directly related to my disrupted childhood.   I went to several counselors in my early adult life.  Each one diagnosed me with an acute mild depression, placing me on medication combined with counseling.  Each counselor stated my problems were contributed to my conservative upbringing and medical health issues that had effected me mentally.

Eventually I would learn it was my faith and my baptism that carried me through my early life's turmoil.  I have ny parents to thank for my strong moral values.  They never knew what happened to me and I will never tell them.

I was molested, traumatized, and threatened by a sadistic pedophile when I was a young child.  He was a neighbor and I went to stay with him and often played with his son.  Supposedly his wife was watching me as the care giver, but he and she as well as others were involved in the traumatic episodes that quickly followed.   He threatened me into silence and I was fearful for my life. By the Grace of God we moved after a year to a new home that took me away from this horrid scene.  My mind blocked the past as a defense mechanism.

After the move, I had no realization of what happened until it was discovered through my relationship with my husband, my children, and co-workers over a period of decades later.   Most of the time, I would just stumble along through life.  Periodically, I would reach a point where I would need to see a therapist who would put me on medication, and give me short term counseling for up to a year.  I would not allow my husband to get close to me.  My husband now tells me he always suspected my strict moral upbringing, and/or suspected  abuse, caused my problems.

I managed to accept my periodic intimacy through most of the years of our marriage until my husband suggested we go on a trip for our 30th anniversary.  I knew then that I did not want to be this close to him physically or mentally.  With the kids around in our younger years, I somehow felt protected from a true commitment. We stayed together because of our  moral and christian values and we loved each other.   Soon, I would not have my children in the home picture because they were becoming young adults and would be going off to college.  This became a crucial point in my relationship with my husband and me.  He felt rejected, and I was falling apart in the worst way.

A christian counselor saw the situation as being destructive for us both.  This counselor and my husband  manipulated me into what I thought would be marriage counseling. I was going to be tested once again by a highly recommended psychologist. My mind told me to blow this off.  However, I was feeling so badly that I decided to go through with it.  I was not embarrassed to go for testing, since my husband agreed to being assessed as well. My MMPI test was basically normal, however my interview with the experienced psychologist is what tipped everyone off to my problems. The doctor realized I was desperately trying to hide something at our initial meeting.  He explained that the testing results indicated that "your type of raising, and (forced) participation, or what happened to you in the basement during that time, seems to have deeply effected your life today."  I could not believe this or understand it. I have been through counseling before and this possibility was never determined.  My former counseling may have helped me temporarily, but apparently never uncovered or resolved any of my issues.

After going back to the referring (Christian) counselor, he stated, "I am recommending that you go to this particular psychologist, for if anyone can make this right, he can."  So with that recommendation, I began my long journey into the past with this new gifted, and older psychologist.  He told me that I would be able to recall the traumatic memories and he would help me to overcome the pain and integrate these incidents into my life.   I never really believed him at that time.  I did not have any memory then beyond the a vague touching between me and another child in a basement of a house.  Eventually, bit by bit, the repressed memories arose and the pain that that was associated with them at the time accompanied them.

I began to live in three different worlds: the repressed memories, my present life, and one of disbelief.   I began to understand why all these many years, I had periods in which I would feel desperate with underlying anxiety for no apparent reason.  I had to stay busy at work, entertaining my children, traveling with family, and eventually going to the gym.  I could not stop and think.  I would talk incessantly and focus on being the life at all the family functions and parties.  I was protecting my identity by being popular with everyone. I could not let them know or decipher me.   I did not even know myself.  I would chatter endlessly about my children and husband rather than have the focus on me.

As counseling continued, the traumatic memories kept rising to the surface of my mind. With each session,  I would tackle the situation in the safety of my psychologist's office and care. It was, and still is like complex pieces being fit together, or a puzzle being solved.  Although stressful at the time, I found that I was becoming more comfortable and at ease with others as I worked through each memory.

I would never have made it through life without the blessings and support of my family and trusted friends.  As time moved on, I learned who I could confide in.  If someone was offended or non-believing, then they became an acquaintance and I would move on.  I learned to speak openly with only trusted individuals.  I no longer babble. I think before I speak, and pass by people who I do not like. I do not need or want them in my environment.

It is a miracle that I found my husband. He was meant for me and I am glad I pursued him in college.  Such a quiet moral and patient man was placed in my path. My sisters have said  "he is your soul-mate and an angel."  I respect my psychologist and it is a blessing I was referred to him. I hate to admit it at times, but I look forward to his help.  I think I was lead to his care. My psychologist, who keeps a selective limited practice, told me he chose to treat me. I believe someone else had His Hand in it also.

Believe me, the therapy is a long and tedious process.  But I no longer feel I have to placate everyone, back off ,or break down through most conflicting arguments.  My life is becoming a little more tolerable. Some fears have gone away. Many more continue to surface, so I continue to go for assistance.

My suggestion for anyone with the same possibility would be, "Find a therapist through a trusted friend or by a recommended referral.Do not be put into any uncompromising position.  You are an adult now. You are a survivor. Realize this is a long process. Remember the most difficult part of therapy is the integration of the past into your present life.  Your symptoms may go away.  You must continue on with therapy each week.  There are days I go and then want to quit."  My husband encourages me to go a few more sessions and wait, so I trudge on.  He says it is "like an investment in a new car".

I am finally understanding why I acted the way I did;  the feelings of abandonment, of desperation, the urge and need to always be busy, the anxiety, my inability to handle new situations, hatred of myself, and of course my low self esteem.  I now understand why I have difficulties with violence, animals dying, and relating to people.  Many times I was easily manipulated, flustered or upset.  I was often triggered into crying when I lost control, or thought that I was being criticized or challenged.

I thank the Lord for my sisters, my best friends, my husband and the gracious and brilliant counselor who now meets with me each week and supports me even outside of the scheduled sessions when warranted.  I now only need to take medication during emergencies.  I have not been able to take it daily, because for some reason it interferes with my memories, and I need to be able to recall to help me heal. I will continue to struggle on to put my life back together.  I want to know all the details so I can understand my past, and move on with my future in a positive way.  I know that I am a child of God and a Survivor.

Alpha Butterfly Spirit,
In the middle of a life journey that takes time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

♥ Love is a Healing Balm ♥

Love is a Healing Balm.
When Applied Directly, 
Darkness Surrenders to Light, 
Wrongs are Righted and 
Longing is Replaced with Hope.

Cheryl E Gordon

From my Inspirational Twitterings Blog

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Abuse Survivor

The Abuse Survivor;
You Have Been to Hell and Back.
There is no Doubt in My Mind
Fortitude You do not Lack.

Wounds Have Run Deep
And Your Scars Are Plenty.
But with God Pushing You Forward
Your Smiles Will Be Many.

You Fought With the Devil
And the Battle You have Won.
God Has Given You the Strength
To Carry On.

So Rest Well, My Friend
Life's Beauty to See.
May Your Heart be Refreshed
And Your Spirit set Free.

Cheryl E Gordon

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Through the Eyes of the Child"

A World of Imagination Unfolds 
Through the Eyes of the Child. 
If We Pay Attention, 
They Can Reteach Us 
What We Have Forgotten.

Cheryl E Gordon

Caterpillar and Butterfly Richard Bach Quote:

What the Caterpillar calls the "End of the World" the Master calls a Butterfly
Richard Bach


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Permission To Heal

Giving Ourselves Permission to Heal

It is Important to Give Ourselves Permission to Heal.
What We Voice as Our Desire to Heal
Must Be Believed From Within.

Cheryl E Gordon
Sept 10,2009

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Allow a Life of Pain and Heartache 
to be Transformed into one of Healing and Hope. 
Share Your Love
And it will Change Twofold. ♥

Cheryl E Gordon

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

*The Presence of Good and Evil*

Some Say Evil Does Not Exist.
That it is Present Only if One Looks for It.
Yet I Know it to Be Real.
In Our Apathy, Ignorance and Denial
It Finds It's Power.
Preying on the Innocent and Unsuspecting.
I see it's Aftermath in the "Broken" Child and Enslaved Spirit.
Yet It Can be Overcome.
We Can Conquer this Force.
To Do So We Must Believe, and
Reach For Spiritual Guidance.
Only Then Can Our Eyes Be Open
To Challenge & Confront it.
The Strong Must Join Hands,
To Bring Forth the Light,
Penetrating the Darkness to
Extinguish It's Power,

Cheryl E Gordon

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Healing of the Body & Spirit

It is Important That We Give Ourselves Permission To Heal.
Our Body is as Sensitive to our Own Thought
As it is To Outside Influence.
Healing of the Body Begins With Healing of the Spirit.

Cheryl E Gordon
August 25, 2009

Monday, April 5, 2010

Affirmation For Breaking the Chain of Abuse

Affirmation For "Breaking the Chain of Abuse"

You have Assaulted the Body
But, You Could Not Steal My Soul.
Now is the Time
For My Spirit to Be Whole.

You Do Not Have My Permission,
I am Absolving All My Fear,
While My Spirit Grows Stronger
Your End is Growing Near.

Fact:  I have been told by a close friend who is being seen for post traumatic stress syndrome from a past history of horrendous abuse, that her psychiatrist told her that repetitive abuser's life spans are really quite short compared to the general population.  He is quite knowledgeable about these things, and I believe what she told her.  That is, many die in their late 50's or 60's or even earlier from their harsh and dangerous lifestyle, and others may meet an untimely death as a result of retaliation from their own predatory actions.

Cheryl E Gordon

(I wrote this as a Strength Statement for Making a Break from the Abuser and for Spiritual Healing.  I Hope That You Find it Helpful)

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Arena of Light and Dark

"Light May Enter the Arena of Darkness, 
But Darkness Cannot Enter the Arena of Light."
Cheryl E Gordon

I wrote this and Posted it on Twitter on March 14th of this year (2010).  I also included it in my Inspirational Blog @ the link above.  It is a simple, yet powerful message and one of Hope, so I thought it fitting to add it here on this blog. 

Please Allow Me Expound:

I truly Believe that Light is more Powerful than Darkness, and that Good is More Powerful than Evil.  If you Shine a Light in a Dark Space, it will Illuminate it.   A Bright Light Shows Us the Way.

I Believe this to be True and Would Like to Share the Following Thoughts with You.  You May Accept them or Reject Them.  It is Your Choice.

I Believe that Although One May be subject to Suffering and Pain on this Earth, We Can Be Assured of Achieving & Reaching the "Eternal Healing & Loving Light" Upon Our Physical Death~ If We Believe this to be So. I Know this Because I was Able to Experience This in a brief period of "Physical Death".

In my Near Death Experience in 1983, I Was Lovingly Lead & Spiritually Pulled towards the "Wondrous Light" (others have spoken of the "Tunnel" and It is unique to each of us that have experienced it).  Because of this Experience, I have been given a Glimpse of the Brilliance the Everlasting Light, and I have no Fear of Spiritual Darkness.  My Spirit Returned to My Physical Body because my Mission on Earth had not been Accomplished.  

At that Time, I Understood that All have a Mission Chosen for this Earth, before we were Born.  We are Part of the Plan.  Our Unique Individual Mission is a Series of Life Altering Events towards the "Better Good" and "Personal Spiritual Growth".  We Do Not Remember our Purpose @ Birth, and Spend Our entire Life going through the Maize of Accomplishing this Mystery of Purpose and Spiritual Growth.  Some of Us Procrastinate, Deny it's Existence, Get Lost Along the Way, or Downright Refuse to Carry it Through.  We Know this as a feeling in our "Gut", a Tugging at our Mind, and it is left Open as Being Our Choice.  When  On our Path, We Feel it to be Right.

I "Slacked Off" quite a bit before my Near Death Experience; i.e. being quite Juvenile in My Spiritual Journey.  One Might Say This Has Been a Spiritual "Wake Up Call" for me.  Trauma Often Opens Us Up to Our Special Purpose (if it doesn't kill us first~ and then we are back to square one so to speak).  Once We Get Over the Shock and Assault, or Assault and then Shock of the Trauma, if We Try Hard and Have Faith, We can Achieve Our Wildest Dreams.  I Know this to be True, and I have been very Busy Since Then!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Components of Life and Spiritual Growth

Joy and Sorrow are Inherent Components of Life.
We Cannot Have One without Experiencing the Other;
How Can One Know Bliss without Experiencing Heartache?
To Be Able to Move from One to the Other and Learn From the Experience,
Is Spiritual Growth.

Cheryl E Gordon

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Abuse Survivor

To the Abuse Survivor:

Because of Your Innocence You Were Chosen,
By No Fault of Your Own.

Because of Your Strength, You Have Survived,
By the Power of Your Own,

And Through the Love Of Others.

Cheryl E Gordon

Thursday, February 25, 2010

"What We Can Do to Protect the Innocent from Abuse"

Important Things we as Adults Can Do to Greatly Reduce the Number of Missing Children and Prevent Child Abuse Is:

1) Stop, Look and Listen.  Pay close attention to what the child is saying or avoiding. 

2) Observe at how the child is acting & reacting around specific people and when they believe they are alone.

3) If there is any noted abnormal behavior in the child suggestive of violence or fear, or any alarming change in how they normally should or would respond, we must investigate this immediately.

4) If there are any tale tell signs of possible physical abuse, we must immediately respond by investigating, and engaging a professional if necessary.  Often these signs may be "hidden" in covered areas that are not obvious. 

5) Be aware of our surroundings and the child's surroundings at all times.  Remove them from potentially harmful situations.

6) Make unexpected, unannounced appearances when your own child is at the caretakers or at another person's home.  Yes, this may be difficult to do at times, but This Is Very Important!  The abuser is very attentive to schedules and harm is done when they feel they are not going to be disturbed.

7) Let the child know that we accept what they have to say without a judgmental or discrediting manner.  Encourage open communication.

8) Most Important of All is to let them know that they are Loved; allowing them to feel Safe and Protected by our supportive presence and the overseeing of their Care.

Cheryl E Gordon


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Recipe For Love

This is My Favorite Recipe for Love

You Will Need:
Two Willing Hearts
1 tsp of Natural Sugar
1 Dash of Spice
Healthy Dose of "Essence of Free Spirit"

Stir and Blend Well Until Smooth in Consistency.
Pour into Open Vessel and Serve to Your Favorite Guests & Company

Cheryl E Gordon

(You may also click on the link of the "Recipe for Love" in the Heading above to see my other blog site of Inspirational & Helpful Messages & Prose)