Video "Our Greatest Fear ♥ Warm Embrace"

Cocoon to Butterfly: A butterfly or a moth enters into the point of their life when they must wrap themselves into a cocoon, also known as a chrysalis. They must undergo a life altering change known as metamorphosis which prepares them for their final stage; that being "the Butterfly". During the time in their cocoon, they are in a type of hibernation that will last for anywhere from a few days to several months. But although they may appear asleep, their body is actually undergoing Progressive Change. At a certain stage or even stages in our lives, we too must make a transformational change from a crawling caterpillar to a graceful winged butterfly. This can only be accomplished through a complete and mindful rest for our own Rejuvenation.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

"Prayer for the Tempest and the Great Awakening"

Savior, Creator, Carry Me Safely Protected in Your Arms, 
Over the Chasms of Darkness & Uncertainty, On the Wings of the Angels Protected in Love. 
Bring me Safely to The Mental & Spiritual Place of the Great Spiritual Awakening where There is None to Fear 
And Love is All there IS. 
Encompass Me & Enlighten Me, Now & Forever. 
Amen ❤
Cheryl E Gordon 