Video "Our Greatest Fear ♥ Warm Embrace"

Cocoon to Butterfly: A butterfly or a moth enters into the point of their life when they must wrap themselves into a cocoon, also known as a chrysalis. They must undergo a life altering change known as metamorphosis which prepares them for their final stage; that being "the Butterfly". During the time in their cocoon, they are in a type of hibernation that will last for anywhere from a few days to several months. But although they may appear asleep, their body is actually undergoing Progressive Change. At a certain stage or even stages in our lives, we too must make a transformational change from a crawling caterpillar to a graceful winged butterfly. This can only be accomplished through a complete and mindful rest for our own Rejuvenation.

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Monday, November 14, 2011


Many are Waiting for and Looking for
That Special Someone to Make them Whole.
Do Not Look Outside Yourself for Wholeness.
No One Can Do that For You or Give it to You.
Wholeness Comes from Within.
Purity Resides at the Very Core of One's Being,
But Sometimes it must be Unburied and Rediscovered.
If You Truly Desire to Be Whole,
And, If you are Willing to Search Within,
Into the Very Essence of Your Being,
Tap into this Source 
And You Will Find it.

Cheryl E Gordon

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"The Hand that Gives the Rose"

"A Seed May Never Be Known, Where the Flower Never Grows. 
The Fragrance Always Remains in the Hand that Gives the Rose"

Monday, August 1, 2011

"Prayer for the Tempest and the Great Awakening"

Savior, Creator, Carry Me Safely Protected in Your Arms, 
Over the Chasms of Darkness & Uncertainty, On the Wings of the Angels Protected in Love. 
Bring me Safely to The Mental & Spiritual Place of the Great Spiritual Awakening where There is None to Fear 
And Love is All there IS. 
Encompass Me & Enlighten Me, Now & Forever. 
Amen ❤
Cheryl E Gordon 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"When Love Heals"

"When Love Heals" 

May Love Abound  in Your Heart
Breaking the Crystals of Sorrow and Pain,
And in it's Healing,
Blessings will Encircle and Surround You
Forever and Again and Again...

Cheryl E Gordon 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"May there Always be Angels to Watch Over You"

May there always be Angels to Watch Over and Guide Each One of You... To the End of Your Days...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Embraced by the Light"

"Embraced By Light"

Imagine Yourself Embraced by the Light and
You Will Be One With The Light.

Cheryl E Gordon

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Helpful Tips on Fighting Stress and Depression"

 I was Recently Asked by a friend in an Animal Cause we are both involved with, "How do you deal with being overwhelmed/feeling helpless and defeated at times with everything we are facing and trying to bring change to/for? Personal life stress hasn't made the feeling any easier as of late but I need to regain focus and on the process maintain balance with this and the responsibilities I have (namely work) in my life?"

I thought about this for awhile, and realized this is a question we all can relate to, and something I was capable of helping others with... As a nurse and in the past for a number of years, I taught Stress Reduction.  I had a Stress Clinic and also did Biofeedback Training for Adolescents in a Mental Health Facility.  I taught Relaxation Exercises and many clients and patients said this process helped them to cope and gave them a feeling of control over their stress.   Once a person learns how to do these exercises themselves, they can implement them at the onset of stress or feeling down. Many people will be able to recognize signs of stress more readily and deal with them more effectively through implementing stress reduction techniques in continued practice.  One gets a better result when it is nipped in the bud, but application anytime is helpful.

Autogenic Training is a Stress Reduction Technique, in which I taught people how to mentally find a safe and beautiful place, and to focus on it and allow the world go by for that period of time.  It may be somewhere you have been before, or a fantasy place you wish to be at.  To begin, you must first try to make yourself comfortable and undisturbed.  Wait a few minutes before you begin by letting yourself relax in the most comfortable spot you can find in the best way you know how.  There are different ways you can help this along.  The one I chose, is by a method known as Progressive Relaxation.

In Progressive Relaxation, you begin by mentally focusing on different muscle groups of the body; starting with the lower muscle groups by tightening and releasing them fully, and working your way upward, doing the same with different muscles, to the top of your head.  Start with both feet... tightening and holding your muscles in the feet tight to the count of ten, and releasing the muscles slowly to the count of ten... (do this 5-8 times) then refocus and mentally move upward to your calves, your thighs, your hips, your abdomen, your chest, your arms, your shoulders, your neck & then your facial muscles... by tightening and releasing each section to the count of ten x 5 or 8... If any particular muscles give you trouble, modify the tightening it so it does not cause any pain during this exercise.

I then recommend right after that, and with the final muscle being relaxed as much as possible,  to allow your mind to find a pleasant place you would like to be in... This is the application of Autogenic Relaxation, where you mentally find yourself a good place you have been in the past, or one where you would love to be that is comforting and serene, and then visualize this place with you in it, safe and secure.  Let yourself fell free to enjoy the experience as long as possible.  You can even change the scenery to even better your meditation and relaxation experience.  The combination of the Progressive Relaxation Exercises followed by Autogenic Relaxation Visualization, I believe works well together.  Do not be discouraged if your mind wanders during this process as that is common.  Just bring it back without being discouraged.  The more you do this, the better you get at it.  I believe that if you can do this even for 20 minutes, it is quite helpful.  Some People even compliment the experience with the added effect of Meditation Music.

Daily Plan:  Time with Loved Ones Must Never be Forsaken. Meditation and Prayer Brings Me Higher, and if you are able to do this, I recommend it to the Fullest Power.   If you are able to do your Relaxation and Meditation Exercises daily, that would be Great!  Manifesting Love Through Giving to those in need in direct surroundings, even if it is sharing a smile brings a feeling of self worth. The direct action of helping others always makes me feel better.  I recommend it highly... Taking the time for doing the things you enjoy, even if it is only a half hour each day is also a good thing to do.  Knowing Your Own Personal Limits and stopping at that point is very important.  Think of your Mind like your Body in that You Must Not Go Beyond Your Limit or You Will Suffer. Find a Support Group within and without the Stressor(s) in your life, to Share with, and Compare Your Thoughts.  

Last but not Least, Vigorous Exercise is known to be healthy for the both body and mind.  When one exercises intensely, the release of endorphins occurs.  An endorphin is a neuro-chemical occurring naturally in the brain, having analgesic properties.  The release of these brain chemicals from vigorous exercise give the person a natural feeling of good, and even some release from stress.  If you are able to compliment your week with exercise it is highly recommended for both physical and mental health. 

Most Importantly, if Darkness is Overwhelming, do not hesitate to ask for Professional Guidance. Some very stressful situations may require counseling or therapy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

It seems True.  Bad things sometimes happen to good people... It doesn't seem right, does it?  When Good People suffer, it is so easy to become angry and think, this is wrong, and so unjust.  Why is this happening to me, or to them?

I often battle with this concept of right and wrong and good and bad, and the craziness of the World.  Good people all around me are hurting, frightened, and often seemingly alone in their suffering.  The kindest seem to be most often persecuted, attacked, harmed in so many ways, and then lose their lives to physical or mental illness & disease.

The earth is not a friendly place; or so it seems.  Yet, I believe that if we look closely to our existence and the "meaning of life" we will get a better grip of why this is happening, and a better understanding of the reason for living a life without anger, fear, mistrust or shame.

I believe that we are here for a Divine Purpose.  We most likely do not know the purpose or mission we are to do exactly, but feel it is so, and I know it to be so.  For if we knew it exactly, we would do it quickly so as to return to an Eternal Harmonious Existence.  No one learns from experiences that are easy and done without effort.  We expect to live a long life, because that is what we see happening around us - as we often judge by the average.  Yet, some beautiful people are here only for a brief time and then are taken from us.  Why? What was their purpose?  Perhaps it was to bring others closer to their own personal Truth, and help them in their own mission of their lives.  For example, a small child that dies from illness, harm or unexplained death at a tender age may have given their parents and others the best present of their own Spiritual Being in their short existence here on earth;  that of their sweet, loving and gentle nature.  Some people accomplish their mission in a brief time and others, longer.  The ones that are here shortly may then be best served elsewhere in the Universal Plan as their Maker Calls them Home from their life on earth.  Because they are no longer with us does not mean their Spirit is dead.  It is no longer necessary for it to be here in a physical body.

So then, why must the good people on this planet suffer?  I realize that we all have a mission to accomplish on our time on earth, however long that may be. Why, one might ask, do some kind, and loving people seem to have darkness thrown into their lives?  Are they being punished for something they did or did not do?  The abused seem to be chosen as victims by the most cruel and heartless humans on the planet.  What have these "poor people" done to justify their mistreatment?  They most likely have done absolutely nothing wrong.  What they have done most likely unintentionably, and in innocence, is having crossed paths with Evil - Period.   It was not their fault; yet circumstances brought them together.  We must understand  that exposure does not necessarily mean that they are no longer themselves, nor that they are destined for a sad life.  It is hard to be mentally whole when one is a slave to another, but once freed, they can reclaim their lives.

The strongest people are the ones who have battled injustice and danger.  They are the True Survivors.  They have met the Demons of Life head on and have conquered their hold on them.  Sometimes it is accomplished in a short time and sometimes over many years.  Because of their strife, they are able to navigate between and differentiate the very line of Good and Evil, and most importantly, have won their lives back.  Because they have come into contact with evil does not make them bad.  The exact opposite seems most often to be true.  They were selected because of their goodness, their innocence, perhaps even because of their loving & trusting nature, even the best of the best.

So, have they not become tainted, and no longer desirable, as their Offender has tried to brainwash them into thinking?  Have they now become "Bad?" in trying their best to survive during their exposure to evil?  Absolutely Not!  They are still able to be their Own Person, a "good person"; their own true Self, even though they have been under the reign & terror of a tyrant.  By breaking that horrific chain of control and dominance, they can rise from the depths of despair, fear, and pain to conquer the world, should they choose to do so.  It will not be easy but their Mission is one that can be accomplished, and yes, they may need help in achieving it.  This is true with the Best of Missions.  Most often it will be necessary for an Abuse Survivor to seek assistance of friends and professionals to gain back their feelings of worth and acceptance of self.  In so doing, they are the stronger for their past experience.  It is said that the steel is hardened by folding it over and over and over again in the fire of forging.  They are like that ~ desirable steel, that has been hardened by Fire.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So You THINK You Have Failed - NEVER GIVE UP

So many people suffer from the fear of failure or perceive themselves as failure.  Yet, with Failure, that in itself means the individual did try.  That is better than laying down and letting life kick you in the stomach and smack you around.  So let us look more at "Failure".  Failure is actually a perception.

The Individual had a goal which he or she did not Accomplish to their Expectation.  So, taking this into consideration, even if the expectation was not achieved to their satisfaction, there was something that Resulted from the Try. It may have been Discouraging, but What did you Learn from it?

People become Stronger from Learning from Experience.  Without trying, would you have actually been better off?  You may have thought so at the time, but taking the Time now to Process it, Most likely Not.  You saw something that you wanted, and you tried.  Give yourself the Credit for that!  So it did not work out to your Expectation.  Perhaps there is a Reason.... No, I Know there is a Reason....

Now, take that attempt and look at it Closely with a Positive Outlook.  You tried that and it did not work out to your Expectations.... But what did you actually learn from it?  Take that as a New Step and Create a New Path....  Most likely the Reason for the Failure was not You but Circumstances around You that made it Impossible to Achieve.  Many People take the Negative Effect on their Lives into their Own Perception of Themselves.  You Have the Choice to Accept (or Not Accept) What Happens to You as Not Becoming a Part of Your Perception of YOU ... but it is Not YOU.  Ugly Things Happen to Beautiful People.  But You are Still You, and We are All Unique Individuals. Throw Off the Past, and Move into the Future in a Good Way.

I wrote this message about failure (below)  in my Inspirational Blog (  I hope it helps give you Inspiration to Move Forward~  Even if You Think You Have Failed Somewhere, Sometime in Your Life.  That is Not YOU.... You can Achieve What is Really Important to You.  You May not have it "in toto" in the first Try... But Notice I said, "Try"... Give Yourself Many Chances to Do it.  For That which is Important and Best for You will Come Around to You in the Right Time....


From every Failure
There Leads a Pathway to Success.
Failure is Just a Stumbling Block
From Which We Can Recover
And Move Forward in Our Purpose.

C E Gordon
