Video "Our Greatest Fear ♥ Warm Embrace"

Cocoon to Butterfly: A butterfly or a moth enters into the point of their life when they must wrap themselves into a cocoon, also known as a chrysalis. They must undergo a life altering change known as metamorphosis which prepares them for their final stage; that being "the Butterfly". During the time in their cocoon, they are in a type of hibernation that will last for anywhere from a few days to several months. But although they may appear asleep, their body is actually undergoing Progressive Change. At a certain stage or even stages in our lives, we too must make a transformational change from a crawling caterpillar to a graceful winged butterfly. This can only be accomplished through a complete and mindful rest for our own Rejuvenation.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

" Effects of Positive and Negative Thought"

Crystal Light Empowers~ Negative Thoughts Devours

What if Our Body Processed Thought as it Does Food?  I believe it does.... Whatever we "feed" our minds, it accepts it as real, whether it is actual event or thought.  It accepts it as happening and that becomes stored as memory.  Perhaps we may recognize the difference mentally but the effect it has on our psyche may be very much the same as if happening directly to us.  If we continually "feed" our minds with the ideas that are demeaning to ourselves, or others, it may become a "truth" to our mind.  Or, when one sees something "bad happening" one may also have a tendency to process that within as a personal experience; even if it is not happening to you. The body response to the organs and brain is as real as if it is an actual physical event if you are not able to separate this in your mental process. Negative imagination causes stress and damage to the body as actual events as well.  The mental process and storage of the events occurs even if the event is not real, yet only perceived by the mind.  Furthermore, if you have not actively tried to counter the negativity of the past with meaningful positivity of the present, you may still be feeling depressed, insignificant, or perceive yourself as the continual victim ~ being "stuck in the mindset of the past".  But with a change of the way one allows things to effect his/her mind in the present, the feeling of being bound in the past, can be changed too.

I believe it is very important to our mental and physical health to make the best of whatever surrounds us whenever we possibly can.  As we grow older, we are able to gather more tools and more strength to do this:
So I am suggesting here to make an effort each day to think of something pleasant, and mindfully allowing yourself to feel the goodness of that idea , believing that the body is processing this as a positive effect on you physically and mentally.  Whatever we believe becomes our own actuality.

How can a change of perception make this work for the betterment of you?  When you feel like something "bad" is happening, evaluate what you can to turn this around in a more positive light.  This might feel alien to you, but the effect of the mind change will benefit your body in many ways.  There will be less stress on your heart, less stress on your mind, your muscles, and your digestive system with each intervention.  Stressful events effect all our body systems.  Continued stress wrecks havoc on our entire body.  Release and counter-balance of the stress will help your body to recover and react in a less threatening way.

For example,
Your best friend says he is not going to be able to go to that event you have planned for weeks.  He says that something unforeseen has come up, and will have to reschedule.  He says he will get back with you on it...

You have two choices.  Perhaps you may think of this as rejection, or you can change your mindset to be this:  that is, something unforeseen did actually come up ~ something very important, and it has nothing to do with you at all ... Perhaps it is something that your friend needs to take care of immediately, and he will get back with you on it.

Now, if your body saw this as a rejection, you will process it as such, adding to the fuel of feeling insignificant and personally slighted.  However, if you decide to look into it in a different manner, such as an actuality of a change in a significant occurrence with your friend that has nothing to do with you, your body will be able to perceive this as happening outside yourself, and not to you.  You may not understand, but you are accepting of this explanation.

It is helpful to mentally challenge all things that get you down.  Add something controllable you can do to what you may previously have thought as an uncontrollable situation.  It might feel awkward at first, but if you do this, and abruptly try to end any demeaning self thoughts each time they pop up into your head, you will come to find out two new things.  You will be actually able to think of ways to combat stress and that will give you some satisfaction, and you will actually realize that with the release of the ruminating thoughts, your body is now beginning to actually feel better. You will not be perfect at doing this, but like a baby learning to walk, you can do it and you will get better at it each time you do try.

With continued practice and the passing of time, your more positive reaction to potential stressors will become more automatic and you will not spend as much time on evaluating each negative event that befalls you regarding how you might lessen it's effect upon you.  You will find more options and begin to feel more in control and less effected by things going on around you that you are not able to directly control.  You may not be able to change these things, but you can change your perception of them, and the effect they will have on you.

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