So many people suffer from the fear of failure or perceive themselves as failure. Yet, with Failure, that in itself means the individual did try. That is better than laying down and letting life kick you in the stomach and smack you around. So let us look more at "Failure". Failure is actually a perception.
The Individual had a goal which he or she did not Accomplish to their Expectation. So, taking this into consideration, even if the expectation was not achieved to their satisfaction, there was something that Resulted from the Try. It may have been Discouraging, but What did you Learn from it?
People become Stronger from Learning from Experience. Without trying, would you have actually been better off? You may have thought so at the time, but taking the Time now to Process it, Most likely Not. You saw something that you wanted, and you tried. Give yourself the Credit for that! So it did not work out to your Expectation. Perhaps there is a Reason.... No, I Know there is a Reason....
Now, take that attempt and look at it Closely with a Positive Outlook. You tried that and it did not work out to your Expectations.... But what did you actually learn from it? Take that as a New Step and Create a New Path.... Most likely the Reason for the Failure was not You but Circumstances around You that made it Impossible to Achieve. Many People take the Negative Effect on their Lives into their Own Perception of Themselves. You Have the Choice to Accept (or Not Accept) What Happens to You as Not Becoming a Part of Your Perception of YOU ... but it is Not YOU. Ugly Things Happen to Beautiful People. But You are Still You, and We are All Unique Individuals. Throw Off the Past, and Move into the Future in a Good Way.
I wrote this message about failure (below) in my Inspirational Blog ( I hope it helps give you Inspiration to Move Forward~ Even if You Think You Have Failed Somewhere, Sometime in Your Life. That is Not YOU.... You can Achieve What is Really Important to You. You May not have it "in toto" in the first Try... But Notice I said, "Try"... Give Yourself Many Chances to Do it. For That which is Important and Best for You will Come Around to You in the Right Time....
From every Failure
There Leads a Pathway to Success.
Failure is Just a Stumbling Block
From Which We Can Recover
And Move Forward in Our Purpose.
C E Gordon
Recycle and Motivation
Recycle Love, Rekindle Faith, Move in Purpose to Motivate. Cheryl E
Gordon 1/10/10
Author, Cheryl E Gordon~ Origin Rights Reserved
8 years ago