Video "Our Greatest Fear ♥ Warm Embrace"

Cocoon to Butterfly: A butterfly or a moth enters into the point of their life when they must wrap themselves into a cocoon, also known as a chrysalis. They must undergo a life altering change known as metamorphosis which prepares them for their final stage; that being "the Butterfly". During the time in their cocoon, they are in a type of hibernation that will last for anywhere from a few days to several months. But although they may appear asleep, their body is actually undergoing Progressive Change. At a certain stage or even stages in our lives, we too must make a transformational change from a crawling caterpillar to a graceful winged butterfly. This can only be accomplished through a complete and mindful rest for our own Rejuvenation.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Helpers and Healers Must Protect The Innocent


We Must Remain Alert and Active to Protect the Innocent from the Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.  They Tantalize, Mesmerize, and Steal from the Pure in Spirit Who Cross Their Paths.  Their Victims Will Not Speak Out as Fear and Feelings of Hopelessness Silence Their Tongues.  We Must Be Their Voices and Their Protectors.

By Being Attune, Astute, Watching, Listening and Quickly Intervening, This Atrocity Will Be Vanquished and Banished from Our Societies.

We Have the Power, Ability, Strength and Numbers to Eliminate This Disease, But We MUST Pay Attention, and Quickly ACT.

It is a Given That Someone in Your Close Friendship Circle, including Your Family Has Suffered From this Disease.  It is One of the World's Best Kept Dark Secrets. They Have Done No Wrong, But Have Been Bullied into Submission and Guilt.  This is One Dark Secret that Must Be Revealed & Addressed so the Afflicted May Be Free to Heal and Live the Glorious Life They Deserve.

The Survivors are Many, and I Respectfully Call them, Butterfly Spirits.

In Love, For My Butterfly Spirit Friends
Cheryl E Gordon

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ode To Freedom From The Chains of Sexual Abuse

Ode to Freedom From the Chains of Sexual Abuse

I Awoke Last Night To Write Down & to Speak This Truth, & You Have Awoken Dear Friend, To Speak the Forgotten Truth of the Horrible Deeds Done Against You...

You Were Groomed by Your Captors to Believe You Were In Their Power & Made To Think You Have Done Wrong, But You Have Done No Wrong.

Many Have Been Silenced So Long That Their Spirits Forgot Who They Are.

For Those Mortally Wounded in Spirit, Let This Day Be Your Day of Resurrection!
Your Strength Shall Be in Your Fighting Spirit, and in Your Numbers; For You Are as Numerous as The Petals of the Flowers.

If You are Weak, Let Your Caring Friends Hold You in Their Loving Arms as You Shout Out Your Freedom ~ Whether in Person, or in Alias.

Shout Loudly So The World May Know the Pain You Have Endured in Your Innocence & Forced Participation.  Let the World Know the Dark Secrets of Your Perpetrator.  To Expose The Wicked Will Save the Innocent, and Free Your Spirit.

No Longer Shall Their Lies and Wicked Deeds Have Power Over You.  For You Are Now Free From Their Chains!  Your Revenge Shall Be to Expose Their Secretive Hideous Deeds to the World.

No One Can Hide from Their Truth Revealed.  Their Punishment Will Rain Down from the Heavens and All Corners of the Earth.  The People of the World Shall Stand Up Against Them & You Shall Live Your Life in Freedom~  Freedom From the Chains of Harmful Memories & Freedom to Respectfully Pay Tribute To the Release of Your Painful Past.

Cheryl E Gordon

Friday, October 23, 2009

Child Abuse Monument Survivor Project

Some Information about the Child Abuse Monument Survivor Project:
"Reaching Out" is a 10'x30' bronze healing Monument to child abuse victims and survivors. The Monument was sculpted by Michael C. Irving, Ph.D. in collaboration with hundreds of survivors and their supporters. The Website is filled with the story of the Monument, lots of support for survivors and information about child abuse.

Also you can Contribute a Hand Print for the sculpture:  Check out "Hand Prints" for creating a New Reality

You may also click on the link to the right of the page to reach this wonderful site of tribute in sculputural art and monumental people addressing hope, healing and helpful information for abuse survivors and advocates:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Friend, Little Butterfly Spirit Girl

This is another Butterfly Spirit Tale.  There are so Many Unheard Stories of Injustice Needing to be Heard and the System Changed to Support Their Causes.

I have a little friend; One who has endured a hard life at an early age.  She lost both parents early in life and was passed around by her relatives who either could not adequately care for her, or who did not want her.  During this time, she was sexually abused and when this was discovered, was removed from that setting and was awarded to another Guardian's care.  This was a caring distant relative and she is now receiving couseling and love.  However, the past has left it's damage.  Needless to say, she suffers low self esteem and insecurity, feelings of alientation, and identity issues.  This is understandable.

The trial against her molestive abuser has successfully been legally delayed now for 2 years while she must wait to move on with her life. The perpetrator however has finished college, got a job and is free to pursue his goals and God Only Knows What These Are.  Perhaps he feels that if he stalls the process, she will forget about what he has done, and he will go free without any consequence.

My friend is now 10 years old and of course has Not Forgotten or gotten over his Stealing and Abuse of her young and vulnerable Life.  She is emotionally scared.  I am giving her the best support I can as a friend, but she needs this injustice resolved in court without further postponing of the case.  We know that confronting and addressing the situation in her honesty will help her to heal and move on.  I am not sure what will be happening on the abuser's end other than he is now denying this has happened and he has always had his family's support.  Initially, he confessed he did do these things, but I understand he has now recanted and will challenge this confession in court.

My little friend receives counseling and knows she will have to mentally relive the abusive events & may even have to face the abuser and strangers of the court to tell her story.  (Surely, they will not make her actually face the abuser, but I am told that it is a possibility!)  Even an adult facing their perpetrator is weak and frightened when made to face that Demon Entity in court!

And, of course the Defendant's Lawyer will do his/her best to discredit her.  I pray he does not succeed.  This is what we call our Honorable Judicial System.  There are so very many flaws that need fixing and we need this done Now!

I hope by telling these true stories of the Butterfly Spirits, and pointing out flaws in The System, that others can join forces to challenge the system and by doing so, bring perpetrators to justice in a timely fashion.

Justice needs to be served before each Case gets "Cold" and the Outer Wound of the Injured Spirit Scabs Over, leaving an Infection of the Inner Body & Spirit.

With time, the perpetrator becomes more clever at hiding and obscuring the truth, avoiding the law and consequences, and may in actuality go free.  This Must Not Happen!  Enough is Enough.  The System Must be fixed....

Justice IS Served Feb 2 2010: Yesterday Was a Wonderful Day for My Little Friend. She Saw Her Abuser Sentenced & Cuffed and was Allowed to Read Him Her Rights! It took 2 years for this case to come to trial (it happened in 2007 when she was 8).  Her Abuser Finally Admitted to being Guilty after Denying it. (we believe he did this now because his sentence would be lessened if he did so outside of a higher court with a jury).  His Sentence was 6 years imprisonment, & 10 years probation.  He pleaded Guilty on All Charges Presented. 
My friend is now 10 and was allowed to go to the front of the court room, directly in front of him to Confront Him with Her Own Comments (I am not sure of the legal term for this).  She did so with the help of her Counselor and he was not allowed to respond.  Her comments were poignant and wise beyond her 10 years.  She wound up by stating "I had to move to four different homes in the last two years after my Momma and Daddy died, but you got to stay with your Parents in your House. But, I am now able to live with my Aunt and Uncle, and You are going to Jail."  I am so proud of her! She has been dealt some hard blows, but can now move on with her life.  She has much support and love here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"Butterfly Spirit"

This is a true story of pain and anguish, renewed to Hope and Life.  It begins as a story of One, but is applicable to Oh, So Many. It is a story needing to be Told, beginning in darkness and ending in the Light.

Waking from a living sleep with a flood of forgotten painful memories of decades passed, a history of suppressed violence and fear bubbles; rising to the surface of her tortured mind. She again cries for help and is now Finally Heard.
Others Join with her in Her Fight for Life and breaking away from the chains of her dark past.

It is like a reoccurring bad dream.  At first frightened and denying, she is now willing to Psychologically and Spiritually Face her Attackers of long ago. As they slowly emerge from the recesses of her repressed mind, She now meets Each One with Intent and Fervor. A little more is Revealed with each New Day, as if it was only yesterday.

She mentally faces her “Demons of Old” and their psychological hold on her. She is a True Survivor, Relentless in her Desire to be Free from her past, which has held her so long in "Mental Chains". There are No Free Days, as each day has a Specific Challenge she must Meet and Address. It is a tiring, painful Cleansing; a Purging of her Wounded Spirit and Body.

Methodically Healing, She is Now Equipped and Ready to Face Each Day, moving further Forward in her Sacred and Renewed Life.  

She Emerges from Her Protective but no Longer Necessary Cocoon, Carefully Drying her Wings in the Light, Eager to Fly.

She is a Butterfly Spirit.  

Because She is the First I have addressed here as the "Butterfly Spirit", I will honor her on this site with the Given Name, "Alpha Butterfly Spirit"....

Alpha Butterfly Spirit Asked me to Post this Comment here for Her:
Just as a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, so does a person as they struggle
through life.  We face the challenges and gain some element of peace from our faith in God so that eventually our healing comes from within.  "One who knows"

Cheryl Gordon 10/04/09

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